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New Year Resolutions don’t work! Forget about New Year Resolutions, we all know they don’t work! Instead, Dr. Helene recommends looking more deeply into WHY you are unable to reach the goals you want to set for yourself, and creating healthy new habits that will work for you now and in the longterm.

Here are Dr. Helene’s 6 Tips to Creating Healthy New Habits this New Year

1. Decide specifically what is that you want to accomplish.
Goals can range from managing stress better, losing weight and keeping it off, lowering your cholesterol levels, having more energy, or something else. But when it comes to making it happen, you need specific, measurable goals. For example, eating healthier could mean setting a goal of cooking two paleo meals and two Mediterranean meals per week. Dr. Helene recommends starting with a Free 15 min. Discovery Call to help focus on what is most important to you and creating a path towards achieving your goals.
Schedule your Free Free 30 min. Discovery Call with Dr. Helene 

2. Know your WHY.
Once you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish, it’s important to know why you want to achieve the goal. If weight loss is your goal, why do you want to lose weight? Is it to have better cardiovascular health, to look better, to feel better?

3. Find the right tools.
A major reason for failing to reach a goal is not having the right tools for success. For example, if your goal is weight loss, it is crucial to have the right diet and support, personalized for you. If you are struggling with stress, weight loss or digestive issues, there are many types of weight loss programs, stress management tools and clinical lab tests, but finding the right ones for you can be a game changer.

4. Stay Focused.
Once January fades into February, it’s common for our focus to fade from those New Year resolutions as well. Staying focused with a coach will keep you on the track to realizing your goals at last.

5. Be Consistent.
Nothing happens overnight, and the key to reaching any type of goal is consistency.  Even baby steps taken every day on a regular, consistent pace will get you much further than gin steps taken once or twice.

6. Don’t Quit, Get Support.
It’s totally normal to hit a wall at some point on your wellness journey, and it can feel too hard to keep going. Don’t give up! Dr. Helene offers consistent help and support as part of all the programs she offers, to get you thru to the finish line.

Schedule your Free Free 30 min. Discovery Call with Dr. Helene

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