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Reverse Biological Aging with the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet

After holidays, vacation and other events, it is helpful to do a reset to help restore optimal body function.  This can be done many ways, for instance, a 3 to 5 day water fast, detoxing, or other forms of intermittent fasting. And, new studies show that the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet, when used as recommended, reverses biological aging.

According to one new study led by the University of South Carolina Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. It suggests that cycles of a fasting-mimicking diet (FMD) can significantly lower risk factors for disease and reduce biological age in humans:
Check out the study here: Fasting-mimicking diet causes hepatic and blood markers changes indicating reduced biological age and disease risk

Another recent study shows that the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet can reverse biological age by 11 years!
Check out the study here: Fasting-mimicking diet causes hepatic and blood markers changes indicating reduced biological age and disease risk

Some forms of detoxing and fasting can be hard to do with a busy lifestyle, and some folks just need more energy to do all the things in their lives, so detox and water fasting may not work for them.

Plus, a detox program does not give you the results that you get with Prolon.

I’d like to introduce you to the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet, a scientifically studied method of fasting while eating specific, nutritious foods that supply your body with the energy you need.

The ProLon® Fasting Mimicking Diet (FMD™) is based on the research completed by Dr. Valter Longoat the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California (USC), He wrote the book The Longevity Diet.

About ProLon®

ProLon is a plant-based meal plan that lasts for five consecutive days. The plant-based diet includes non-GMO soups, crackers, energy bars, energy drinks and supplements all designed to nourish the body and facilitate healthy changes.

While on the ProLon diet, the body goes into a fasting mode. In this state, the cells go into a protective mode which ultimately promotes health and longevity. After completing the 5-day diet,  you will return to your normal, healthy diet for the remainder of the month, and continue to experience the rejuvenating and regenerative impact of going through this fasting mimicking diet.
Click HERE to read about the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet Fasting Benefits

The Science Behind ProLon®

Many pre-clinical and clinical studies to understand the drivers for aging and human healthspan have been conducted by the Longevity Institute at USC under the sponsorship of the National Institute of Aging and the National Institute of Health. This work serves as the foundation of the proprietary fasting mimicking diet (FMD™).

The Fasting Mimicking Diet Can Result In…
  • Weight loss
  • Decreased visceral abdominal fat (the toxic kind of fat in the body)
  • Stem cell regeneration
  • Preservation of lean body mass
  • Reversal biological aging

Maintenance of healthy levels of:

  • Glucose
  • Cholesterol
  • C-reactive protein (an inflammation marker)
  • Insulin-like growth factor 1 (a vitality marker)

The primary reasons people choose to do this program are to:

  1. Reverse biological aging
  2. Get a metabolism re-set for weight loss
  3. Potentially lower their metabolic markers: Total and LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, hemoglobin A-1C, and fasting glucose, insulin and inflammation.
    This occurred for many participants during the beta trial of this program.
  4. Potentially lower inflammatory markers including CRP (C-reactive protein), and autoimmune antibodies, which occurred for those in our beta trial. These changes improve prediabetes and insulin resistance.
  5. Promote longevity through the application of therapeutic fasting and release of stem cells
  6. Get the benefits of fasting for five full days, without the risks and consequences of fasting for five days with no food or caloric intake. It’s doable!
  7. The cleansing effects of provoking autophagy for up to 5 days.
  8. Look great and feel great with new, healthy eating habits
  9. Lose up to  5-8 pounds in the process!

For best results, I recommend doing the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet once a month for 3 months in a row, then once every 3 months thereafter.

Join me in our quarterly Prolon Fasting Mimicking group programs, and get 20% off your Prolon 5 Day FMD kits!

Dr. Helene
Read my blog about Intermittent Fasting here
Click HERE to read the Prolon FAQS
Click HERE to read about the Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet Fasting Benefits
Schedule a Free 30 Min. Discovery Call to start your Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet and Save 20%

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Disclaimer: The statements on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Fasting-mimicking diet causes hepatic and blood markers changes indicating reduced biological age and disease risk
Sebastian Brandhors, Morgan E. Levine, Min Wei, Mahshid Shelehchi, Todd E. Morgan, Krishna S. Nayak, Tanya Dorff, Kurt Hong, Eileen M. Crimmins, Pinchas Cohen & Valter D. Longo  Nature Communications volume 15, Article number: 1309 (2024) https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-024-45260-9