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Detox Your Body to Lose Weight & Feel Great

Are you carrying extra weight around?

Do you feel sluggish and bloated?

Are you looking to clean up your diet and improve your nutrition, but not sure where to start?

Do you struggle with fatigue and brain fog all day?

What are you waiting for?

Our gentle Spring Detox Program is an effective way to cleanse your body and kick start your weight loss. It’s all about assisting your body with getting rid of toxins and eating clean. The Spring Detox Program is designed to clean up your diet and detox your body naturally to lower toxin levels, improve your health and support your weight loss efforts.

Click HERE to take the Toxicity Questionnaire

Click HERE to Learn About Our SPRING Detox Program

Click HERE to SIGN UP for one of our SPRING Detox Programs

Click HERE for Dry Skin Brushing Directions

Click HERE for Dr. Helene’s Detox Cabbage Soup Recipe

Click HERE to get EWG’s 2024 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 Food list

Spring Detox

Finally — spring is here!The warmth and new life emerging all around us are uplifting signs announcing this season of rejuvenation.

We can harness spring’s transformative power to enhance our own health, and heal the damage done over the winter — from viral infections and other immune challenges to the build-up of cellular waste that accumulates when you don’t exercise enough.

According to traditional healing systems around the world, aligning your health rituals with the changing seasons is a key strategy for renewal and revitalization. Our gentle Spring Detox Program is an ideal way to do just that.  By focusing on detoxifying and nourishing foods, nutraceutical detox formulas and other cleansing practices (like Dry Skin Brushing), you can reap a wealth of benefits.

Why You Need a Seasonal Detox

Regular seasonal detox helps boost energy, upgrade immunity, reduce allergies, improve digestion, strengthen circulation, cool inflammation, and repair damages from lingering infections and other winter/spring bugs.

The transition from winter to spring is the best time to shed extra weight and gently cleanse accumulated toxins and wastes from the body. This excess buildup can be the result of numerous factors, including unhealthy diet, poor digestion, lack of exercise, winter dehydration, our own metabolic processes, and environmental pollution.

But with the following strategies, you can cleanse the accumulation of cellular waste and toxins, while rejuvenating cells, tissues and organs for optimal long-term health. A cleanse can be as short as three days or can be up to a month or longer, but I find most people are successful with a gentle 2-week program.

Clean Eating for Amazing Energy !

The cornerstone of a successful spring cleanse is a cleansing, rejuvenating diet Eating clean, nourishing foods is like rocket fuel for your energy system.

During the Spring Detox, you will focus on fresh, unprocessed, organic foods with a majority being non-starchy vegetables.
Vegetables may be juiced, eaten raw, steamed, or sautéed in liquid. Here are some key guidelines:

  • Emphasize  organic fruits and vegetables, including some of the more detoxifying items (see list below). These types of foods counteract the tendency to become more acidic during cold weather, and promote oxygenation and the release of stored wastes and toxins.
  • Consume plenty of pure water, herbal teas, and vegetable soups or broths.
  • Add fiber (such as flax seeds, psyllium, rice bran, etc.) to your diet to ensure regular elimination that will carry toxins out of the system.
  • Avoid foods that place stress on the body and cause inflammation—such as alcohol, dairy, sugar, processed foods, cooked oils, caffeinated beverages, and non-organic foods, especially factory-farmed and/or processed meats.

Powerful Detox Foods 

Sprouts (from legumes, grains, seeds & nuts): Pre-soaking and sprouting legumes, grains, seeds and nuts increases their enzyme and nutrient content, making them easier to digest while providing additional detoxification and cellular regenerative benefits.

Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, radishes, Brussel’s sprouts, etc): These vegetables contain natural sulfur and other powerful compounds that support the liver, aid in the detoxification of harmful compounds, and ramp up antioxidant activity to defend against toxins and other sources of oxidative stress.

Herbs and spices: Garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, cayenne, cumin and many other herbs and spices offer powerful detoxification and healing benefits, thanks to their diverse profiles of powerful aromatic compounds and nutrients. Use herbs and spices liberally during detox, and any time you need a health boost.

Make It An Uplifting Experience

You can maximize the benefits of your cleanse by taking some time each day to meditate and reflect, stretch or do yoga poses, take a walk in nature, and rest. Meditation on what you wish to let go of, and what you intend to bring into your life for renewal and transformation, are excellent exercises to enhance your cleanse experience.

By caring for yourself in this way, you can promote and sustain positive transformations on multiple levels, the way the coldness and inactivity of winter gradually give way to new growth, warmth and energy in the spring.

A seasonal spring cleanse should be a gentle, life-supporting experience, so relax, enjoy and renew!

Detox for Weight Loss

The word toxin is often used to describe anything that might negatively impact your health. This could include added sugar, artificial ingredients, pesticides, obesogens and endocrine disruptors in the foods we eat, and chemicals from household cleaners.

What are “Obesogens” and “Endocrine Disruptors”?

Eating a diet high in chemically processed, non-organic foods, preservatives and artificial ingredients can increase toxins in your body and make it harder to lose weight. Many pesticides, fungicides and artificial chemicals in our foods are known as “Obeseogens” and “Endocrine Disruptors”.

Obeseogens have been described in scientific studies since the 1970’s as an environmental link to obesity.  Obeseogens are man- made chemicals in foods and in the environment that may alter metabolism and fat-cell makeup.  Chemicals and pesticides in food and water have been linked to increased BMI in children and insulin resistance.

Most known or suspected obesogens are endocrine disruptors, and exposure to endocrine disruptors is very common.
Glyphosate (aka Roundup), phthalates, plasticizers that also have been related to obesity in humans, and these chemicals are in many PVC items as well as in scented items such as air fresheners, laundry products, and personal care products.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3279464/
Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Feb; 120(2): a62–a68

It is impossible to avoid all toxins from food, water, and the environment, but taking steps to eat a clean diet and minimize your exposure can go a long way.
Click HERE to get EWG’s 2024 Dirty Dozen and Clean15 Food list

Dr. Helene’s 5 Easy Detox Hacks you can do right now to improve your body’s natural detoxification systems:

  1. Get a good night’s sleep every night to support your body’s health and natural detoxification system
  2. Stay well hydrated. Drink enough water every day to stay properly hydrate healthy day
  3. Sweat out the toxins with exercise for at least 150 minutes per week
  4. Avoid junk food, fast food, ultra-processed food, soda, sugar, alcohol and other substances that slow down your body’s natural ability to detoxify
  5. De-stress to detox your mind and body with yoga, meditation, and relaxing music

Happy Spring!
Dr. Helene