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  7. Say NO to Hormone...

Say NO to Hormone Disruption!

Did you know that some everyday foods could be wreaking havoc on your hormones? 😱
Here are four common culprits that you might want to reconsider:

1️⃣ GMO Foods 🌱: Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be found in many processed foods. Some studies suggest that GMOs could potentially disrupt hormone balance. Opt for non-GMO options when possible!

2️⃣ Foods Contaminated with Roundup 🌾: The herbicide Roundup, which contains glyphosate, can sometimes be found as a residue on conventionally grown crops. Exposure to glyphosate has raised concerns about its potential impact on hormone disruption. Wash your produce thoroughly and choose organic to minimize exposure!

3️⃣ Conventional Meats 🍔: Non-organic meats can be loaded with synthetic hormones and antibiotics used in animal farming. These can potentially interfere with your own hormone production. Go for organic or hormone-free meat options!

4️⃣ Conventional Dairy 🥛: Dairy products from conventionally raised cows may also contain synthetic hormones and antibiotics. These additives could disrupt your hormone balance. Opt for organic or hormone-free dairy when you can!

Stay informed and make conscious choices for a healthier, hormonally balanced life!

Click HERE to get the Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen List

In Health,
Dr. Helene


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