Healthy Detox Programs

Heal your mind and body from the inside out…
Feel like yourself again by getting rid of unwanted toxins,
your body will thank you!
Start your detox regime, and cleanse your body of toxins with our Healthy Detox Program
Book Your Free 30 Min. Wellness Discovery Call
Take our toxicity questionnaire: Toxicity Questionnaire
View our Detox Dry Skin Brushing: Detox Dry Skin Brushing
Why Detox?
With the increase in the number of chemicals introduced into our environment in the last fifty years, there has been a dramatic increase in incidences of many illnesses.
There is no coincidence in this increase. There are tens of thousands of chemicals in use today and more than a forth of these are known to be toxic and nothing is known about their interactive effects. Body fat has been tested that contains residue of hundreds of chemicals. In an attempt to detoxify these substances, our bowels, kidneys and liver are being overloaded. Our eliminative channels have become blocked or dysfunctional, because, in conjunction with these synthetic chemicals, the over-processed Standard American Diet (SAD diet) is severely lacking in fiber and high in saturated fats. Eating these foods, overeating, ignoring the call to eliminate, stress, allergies, and medications can contribute to many common digestive symptoms.
The goal of our Healthy Detox Programs is to gently cleanse your body of toxins that add an extra burden, which can affect your energy, weight, and overall health. Many people can benefit from one of our Healthy Detox Programs.
In addition to our Healthy Detox Programs, Dr. Helene also offers Functional Medicine Lab Testing that looks at the root cause of factors that can contribute to symptoms such as fatigue brain fog, insomnia, gut problems, hormone imbalances and more.
We can also look at toxin levels, nutritional deficiencies and how well your body can process toxins.
Don’t forget about diet! A healthy diet consisting of organic, free range, grass fed and wild caught produce and proteins is crucial to healthy detox, during and after the program.
21 Day Purification Program
The 21 Day Purification Program as been utilized by hundreds of doctors and patients, for over 20 years, and it is based on 20 years of clinical experience and scientific research. In addition, the 21 Day Purification Program nutritionally supports all the body’s systems involved in detoxification.

21 Day Purification Program Includes:
- 21 Day Program Program Guidebook
- Nutritional Evaluation with Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND
- Weekly Progress Visits with Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND
- 2 SP Complete Medical Food
- Whole Food Concentrated Supplements:
Whole Food Fiber, SP Cleanse, SP Green Food - Recipes & MenusStart your detox regime, and cleanse your body of toxins with our Healthy Detox Program
Book Your Free 30 Min. Wellness Discovery Call
The 6 Day Detox Reboot
Perfect for a seasonal re-set!
This comprehensive detox supports phase I and phase II liver detoxification pathways and antioxidant activity, GI regularity and more.
Start your detox regime, and cleanse your body of toxins with our Healthy Detox Program
Book Your Free 30 Min. Wellness Discovery Call

What are the Benefits?
- Supports natural detoxification mechanisms
- Helps maintain a healthy intestinal microbiome
- Supports the body’s natural immune system
- Supports a balanced cytokine profile
- Supports digestion, assimilation, and elimination
- Supports lactose digestions
- Promotes gastrointestinal health, motility, stool bulk, and bowel regularity
The 6 Day Detox Re-Boot Includes:
- 6 Day Program Program Guidebook
- Nutritional Evaluation with Dr. Helene Pulnik, ND
- Comprehensive, fructose-free, low-allergy Medical Food
- Support for GI regularity
- Homeopathic support for detoxification
- Clinical Probiotic Support to support healthy gut flora
Individuals with certain medical conditions may not be able to participate in the Healthy Detox
There is no guarantee of results.
This program is not a substitute for proper medical care, and it is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any condition or disease.
No Insurance:
Pacific Coast Naturopathic Health, P.C. is a fee-for-service business and does not accept or submit insurance claims or insurance payments and does not participate in any insurance plans.Naturopathic Doctors in California are not part of the insurance industry, and Dr. Pulnik does not contract with any insurance companies.Dr. Pulnik does not act as your primary care provider. Dr. Pulnik’s practice is focused on a complementary, functional and holistic approach to care, and therefore you should be in the care of a primary care doctor especially if you have a medical condition, disease or mental health disorder.